The Executive Coaching Series

The Davidson Consulting Group, with real-world executive business expertise, deliver experience and wisdom to executive level individuals and groups through a series of coaching programs that develop talent, inspire achievement, set direction and stimulate action.


The Issue: Leaders of today face incredible pressures to deliver on significant bottom line results, innovation and employee development.

The Solution: DCG’S coaching model and process supports executives at the top of their game, to move beyond existing thoughts and behaviors to create their vision of the future and then execute that vision flawlessly. DCG also works with executives moving to the next level of their careers supporting the acquisition of new leadership strategies, skills and tactics that will ensure successful transitions.


The Issue: The organizational exposure with the loss of a newly hired or promoted executive, in today’s business environment, is significant. Early attrition at the executive level not only creates an executive void, the loss of the transition investment, but also causes lost productivity among the others around the vacated position.

The Solution: DCG’S Executive Onboarding Program, beginning before hire date, will contribute to their success and intensify their ability to have immediate, positive impact on business results and employee satisfaction. DCG’S certified “C Level” coaches, collaborate with the core support and learning team: HR, Hiring Manager to deliver on the expectations of the executive, the organization and support productive and successful business results.


The Issue: Experience has indicated that many high performing executives in their late 30’s to mid 40’s with an average of 5 years continuous employment, reach a “cross over “point and begin to question their next position and their place in the organization.

The Solution: Career Attainment is an exclusively designed and customized process built around a personal business plan model that takes an individual on a career journey to discover and ratify direction and career aspirations. Career Attainment focuses on employee retention by reinforcing and re-establishing the current value to the organization.


The Issue: Organizations are investing in the identification and development of competencies necessary for sustainable success. This requires that an engaging feedback process is needed to deliver this data to the executives in a practical, scalable and meaningful way that supports action and change.

The Solution: DCG’S experienced executive level coaches, certified in various 360-degree and personnel instruments, provide a proven Feedback & Action Plan Process that engages the executive in actionable, meaningful activities that support growth and change within a three-month period of time.


The Issue: Today’s virtual business environment requires the increase use of teams to achieve corporate goals. These geographically dispersed groups face business challenges, need to resolve conflict independently and execute strategies that require clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

The Solution: DCG’S Team Chartering & Coaching Process develops corporate team skills and ensures that any functional team will deliver on their charter. Whether faced with establishing new goals, navigating organizational change, leading transition or mergers and acquisitions, Team Chartering & Coaching Process will help to ensure company success.